Meyn Mamvro 83 | Winter-Spring 2014 - Meyn Mamvro | Archive

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Issues 1-100 | 1986-2019
Ancient stones and sacred sites in Cornwall
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Issues 1-100 | 1986-2019
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Meyn Mamvro 83 | Winter-Spring 2014

2010s > 2014
Meyn Mamvro
Issue 83 | Winter 2014

Flip through this issue of Meyn Mamvro below
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All information in Meyn Mamvro was correct at the time of publication.
Since then, ads, prices, details, authors' ideas and points of information may have changed.
No.83: Winter-Spring 2014  In full colour
Dowsing   News; CASPN and LAN;
News - Carwynnen Quoit & Bronze-Age boat;
Ancient Tracks: 3 - Brane;
Home Sweet Ancient Home: 4 - Bodrifty;
Missing Menhirs: 12 - Hellandbridge stone;
Ancient  Scilly/Wells Corner;
Mapping the Sun at the Hurlers - Alex  Langstone;
The Green Man in Cornish churches - CS;
Riding a stem of  ragwort - Cheryl Straffon;
The wayside witch and the living stones - Steve Patterson;
20 years ago: Penny Harris's prints.
Keep for reference, easier reading, can be printed out
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Issues 1-100 | 1986-2019
Meyn Mamvro
Issues 1-100 | 1986-2019
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